24 artigos encontrados Limpar pesquisa

Desenvolvendo empatia e mindfulness com TICs

  1. Relations of attention and meditation level with learning in engineering education

    Büşra Ülker, Mehmet Barış Tabakcıoğlu, Hüseyin Çizmeci, Doruk Ayberkin
  2. Thinking style and collaborative design learning: An empirical investigation

    Antonio P. Volpentesta, Salvatore Ammirato, Francesco Sofo
  3. Trait mindfulness in an engineering classroom: An exploration of the relationship between mindfulness, academic skills, and professional skills

    Beth Rieken, Mark Schar, Sheri Sheppard
  4. When Children Teach a Robot to Write: An Autonomous Teachable Humanoid Which Uses Simulated Handwriting

    Deanna Hood, Séverin Lemaignan, Pierre Dillenbourg
