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Memória, aprendizagem e tecnologia: uma experiência com os alunos do ensino fundamental

Maria Auxiliadora Silva Freitas, Luis Paulo Leopoldo Mercado, Dirlene Márcia Costa Ferreira, Fernando Silvio Cavalcante Pimentel


The article presents the analysis of a lived experience with students from a public school of primary education through the educational project "The Place Where I live", addressing the concept of memory as a key category, linked to the digital language in reading construction. With emphasis on existential facts contained in the memory of older people, the project proposed to work the theme of the place, one's belonging in a historical and geographical space, made up of social, economic and political. Highlights the involvement of students to meet and interact in the community in which they live and study, from the historicity of the neighborhood, leading them to question, understand, participate, criticize and make suggestions that value their roots and cultural environment. Along the way, the use of the Portuguese language brought significant advances in the training of students and teachers, especially the linguistic contributions, intertextuality between poets and local problems, oral, digital and imagery sources, provided by educational technologies. Terminates showing the results for teaching and learning, for personal identity of students and professional teachers and managers.
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