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Material de Ensino Bilingue Português/Libras para Pequenos Curiosos

Flaviana Teixeira, Lucimar Daniel Simões Salvador, Duanne Antunes Bomfim, Josilene Duarte Nunes Ávila, Raquel Mello Vianna


The production of the "Little Curious Collection" made available in the form of audiobooks and the Brazilian Language of Signs (Libras) becomes accessible didactic material for students of basic education with special educational needs. This didactic material to support the teaching / learning process brings knowledge from the field of biology, chemistry and physics, suitable for children and aims to stimulate the cognitive potential of visually impaired students with deafness, in a playful way, contributing to the complementation of their training, as well as assisting the learning of libras by hearing people. Such products are freely available for sharing with interested parties.
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